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Flower Garden

My Flower Garden

My Flower Garden

My flower garden finally took off this year. This photo is from about a month ago. The brutal heat over the last two weeks has not been good to my plants. They are a little cooked now.

RED FOX – Island Beach State Park, NJ

Red Fox - Island Beach State Park, NJ

Red Fox – Island Beach State Park, NJ

I took a drive over to Island Beach State Park back in March of 2014. Upon entry to the park I was greeted by no less than seven fox, at separate moments along the main road. They were just trotting along and I stopped, they stopped, I made some photos, they gave a little howl and then proceeded down the road. That is until I came to the last one.

I stopped in the roadway, (BTW – there was no traffic at all) he stopped and took a seat. I photographed him, he looked around, presumably to check for traffic, then he posed some more.

I was getting cold with the open window, so I shut it, and the fox left. The rangers said he was looking for a hand out.

Just Hangin’ Out

My two granddaughters were hanging out together, probably watching Sesame Street or Dora. My son Rob made a great catch with his iPhone and then I couldn’t resist the added touch with Comic Life. That inner voice in me keeps saying make people laugh.

My two granddaughters were hanging out together, probably watching Sesame Street or Dora. My son Rob made a great catch with his iPhone and then I couldn’t resist the added touch with Comic Life. That inner voice in me keeps saying make people laugh.


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